Monday, October 16, 2006

Day 10 - London Tower and St. Pauls

In the Tower of London, the ghost of Anne Boleyn walks.... well, WE didn't see her, but we saw pretty much everything else there. Got to stare at the Crown Jewels for a good length of time, and they were truly spectacular. Amazing, even. Our Beefeater guide was a hoot. The ravens are BIG birds, with no fear, and plenty of "cheek". Even the little birds were bold!
After the Tower, we walked through Cheapside to St. Pauls for Evensong. I won't bother to try to describe it, but Tom and I both had several bouts of chills, not least of which was from the Whispering Gallery (it's true) and the Stone Gallery (279 steps up, thanks.) The beauty of the place is really stunning, and we got to hear the Boy's Choir sing. How do you cap off a day like that??

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about St. Paul's and Evensong and the Boys' Choir and the Whispering Gallery...what an incredible, marvelous trip.
